"Imbabi", the head of Students Union, and "Abdul Rahim" is the Vice President
Latest News
The President of the University congratulates President El-Sisi on the Anniversary of Moulid Al-Nabi Al-Sharif
Prof. Dr Youssef Gharbawy, President of South Valley University, congratulated Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic, on the Anniversary of the Prophet Muhammed’s Birthday, the text of […]
moreThe President of South Valley University announces the application of the Electronic Book.
Prof. Dr Youssef Gharbawy, President of South Valley University, started the university council session with raised several points, most notably the Electronic Book confirming that it would be activated in […]
moreStrategy For Covid-19 Vaccination at South Valley University.
Under the guidance of the President of the Republic to vaccinate all faculty members, employees and students in the university community, and out of the university’s keenness on the health […]
moreThe Opening of South Valley University Quintet Football Championship.
Under the auspices of Dr Youssef Gharbawy, President of the University, the supervision of Dr Badawy Shahat, Vice President for Educational and Student Affairs, and the slogan “Sports Against Corruption”, […]
moreFaculty in Numbers
Faculty video
Mock trial (snakes)
Mock trial (Call)
Faculty Mission
The faculty aims to supply law knowledge, scientific research skills and human values as a human right and relate the student with the knowledge society within an integrated system of participation, justice and democracy.
moreFaculty Objectives
1- Providing excellent academic program keep pace with modern developments in various areas of law. 2- Training students through different human development programs . 3- Organizing system of follow –up and evaluation. 4- Developing the faculty management system to electronic one . 5- Providing the chance of study law for all.
moreFaculty Vission
The faculty aims to supply law knowledge, scientific research skills and human values as a human right and relate the student with the knowledge society within an integrated system of participation, justice and democracy.
About Faculty
Studying law has a distinguished position which makes it one of the most important human studies, given that its connection to the society and its problems. Needless to say its great implications for the country's progress.