The President of South Valley University visits King Michael I University “Timișoara” in Romania.

Prof. Dr Youssef Gharbawy, President of South Valley University, visited King Michael I University -Timișoara- Romania, within the framework of cooperation between the university and the international universities, to strengthen bilateral relations between the two universities in the scientific and cultural field. Dr Mahmoud Sayed Abdel-Sadeq, Director of the European Union Projects Unit at the University, accompanied the president of the university during the visit

The President of South Valley University, during his visit to King Michael I University, inspected the university’s various faculties and educational programs and held a series of meetings with the university’s president, vice presidents and deans of the faculties. an agreement had signed to exchange scientific visits at the level of faculty members and students from the Faculties of Science and Veterinary Medicine, as well as to contribute to the editorial boards of the journals in these faculties and discuss the establishment of joint educational programmes to provide the opportunity to travel and study at King Michel I University