laboratories Management

Management functions

– Preparation and equipping of laboratories to be appropriate to the needs of the study process.

– Supervising laboratories and electronic devices and monitoring the process of learning in laboratories.

– Facilitating the operation of laboratories through renovation, replacement and maintenance required for laboratories and devices.

– Inform senior management of everything necessary to equip labs and improve their performance in line with the requirements of the study process

Management Members

Name: Ahmad Rai Ali Mu ‘awad
Function: Responsable of the Faculty’s Computer Laboratories .
Qualification: Intermediate Diploma
Grade: III (a)

Name: Ahmed Awad Al-Saghir Mohmed
Function: Laboratories Management
Grade: II (b)


Name: Mostafa Ali Ashour Mubarak
Function: Technician Computer Laboratories
Grade: II (b)


Name: khairia Ahmed Halwi Ali
Function: management Computer Laboratories
Grade: II (a)