Participation in Higher Education Enhancement Project

Attending all workshops held in our university concerning the followings :

-Higher Education Enhancement Project Fund (HEEPF).

-Quality Assurance and Accreditation Project (QAAP).

-Faculty Leadership and Development Project (FLDP).

-Information and Communications Technologies Project (ICTP).

Attending the following workshops in other areas :

[21-22 January 2004] Writing workshop to enhance the quality of proposals submitted to HEEPF, Cairo University.

[31 Mars 2004] Project management workshop to enhance the quality implementation of the 1st cycle, Cairo University.

[22 May 2004] Training Strategy Workshop (Strategic plan in Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education Institutions), Cairo University.

[10 November 2004] Management, monitoring and technical support workshop, Faculty of Agriculture – Cairo University.

[20 – 21 November 2004 ] Review Chair and Facilitator workshop, Venue Faculty of Agriculture – Cairo University.

[14 February 2006 ] Evaluation of Strategy of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education, Venue Faculty of Agriculture – Cairo University .

[21 – 22 March 2006 ] Challenges in Higher Education – Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Nursing, Cairo University.

[15 May 2006 ] Handling Information and Time Management workshop, Venue Faculty of Agriculture – Cairo University .

[17 May 2006 ] Report-Writing workshop, Venue Faculty of Agriculture – Cairo University .

[20-21 May 2006 ] Institutional Standards workshop, Venue Faculty of Agriculture – Cairo University.

Acting Member, Instructor and Consultant for the following workshops held in South Valley University at Qena :

[18 February and 20 Mars 2004 ] Disseminating and explaining application forms used to submit proposals for HEEPF’s.

[27 Mars 2004 ] Reviewing the submitted proposals for HEEPF’s, 2nd cycle.

[8, 11 May 2004 ] Disseminating and explaining application forms used to submit proposals for QAAP.

Submit Proposals for HEEPF:

[September 2003] Principal Investigator and Manager for proposal entitled “Enhancement the qualification and development of the Staff Members’ competence for training students of pre-final stage in the Faculty of Science and linking them with the society needs” .

[March 2004] Principal Investigator and Manager for proposal entitled “Development of the Geological Museum as an Educational tool” .

Submit Proposals for QAAP:

[May 2004. Vice Principal Investigator ] for proposal entitled “Internal Quality Assurance & Accreditation in Qena Faculty of Science”.

[May 2004] Principal Investigator and Executive Manager for proposal entitled “Quality Assurance & Accreditation in South Valley University”.

Submit Proposals for Information & Communication Technology Project (ICTP):

[August 2004 ] Principal Investigator for the four Information and Communications Technologies Projects (ICTP).

1. Management Information System for South Valley University.

2. Infrastructure Network Enhancement for South Valley University.

3. Automated and Digital Libraries of South Valley University.

4. E-Learning Development Center in South Valley University.