Under the auspices of Dr. Youssef Gharbawy, President of South Valley University, and Dr. Ahmed Kamal Nassari, Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, today, at the Faculty of Physical Education at the university headquarters in Qena, a series of awareness seminars for students and workers began in cooperation with the Fund to Combat and Treat Addiction and Drug Abuse. The introductory symposium, which was attended by Dr. El-Sayed Awad, Professor of Sociology at the Faculty of Arts, and Mahmoud Yassin, representative of the Fund for Combating and Treating Addiction and Abuse in Qena Governorate, addressed the introduction of the law on early detection of drugs, exposing an employee who proves drug abuse to dismissal from work and raising awareness of the harms of narcotic substances and abuse and how to treat Infected cases through the University’s Resolve Center, which is supervised by the fund, which provides its treatment services free of charge. Awareness includes knowledge of the fund’s hotline and the services it provides, the types of drugs, the negative effects of abuse, the effects of addiction psychologically and nervously, and the various complications that it causes. The activities of the symposium were witnessed by the college students and volunteers from the university students in the Drug and Abuse Control and Treatment Fund.
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