17.2.3 International collaboration data gathering for SDG

International collaboration

In collaboration with international as well as national parties, south valley university has participated in international collaboration on gathering or measuring data for the SDGs. We extensively involved in data gathering and measurement related to the goals, across a variety of impactful international collaborations. For example:A list of memorandums is attached is collaboration for data gathering for SDGs are attached here. (1) (2)

SVU president visit University of Debrecen in Hungary to attend the meeting to study the best theoretical and practical studies of the Plant Clinic Project (PRO-DPCP) funded by the (Erasmus +) program.

SVU president and project team travel to the Euro-Mediterranean University – Slovenia to attend the first coordination meeting of the project to internationalize universities at home (MED2IaH).

SVU president and project team travel to Euromedfas University in Morocco to attend the first conference of the Internationalization of Universities at Home (MED2LAH) project funded by the (Erasmus+) program.

SVU president and project team traveling to the Universidad Católica de Murcia – Spain to attend the fourth coordination meeting of the Internationalization of Universities at Home (MED2LAH) project funded by the (Erasmus+) program.

International projects

  1. University student capacity building: towards readiness for sustainable development-oriented regional job market, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union.

Project website : https://www.svu.edu.eg/ar/stream/

Partners : 10 institutes from national and international

Innovation for the Leather Industry in Jordan and Egypt

Center of innovation project in the leather industry in Egypt and Jordan, which includes Dr. Joachim Jiao from the Technological Center for Leather Industries in Portugal and Dr. Mahmoud Sayed Abdel Sadek, the project coordinator at south valley university.The innovation project for the leather industry is funded by the Erasmus program and in cooperation with the Arab Academy for Science and Technology and the Technological Center for Leather Industries in Portugal and under the auspices of the Ministry of Higher Education

The university president praised the project and its importance in linking scientific research with the industrial community and providing all means of technical support for the development of the leather industry.

Duration : from 2019 to July 2021

Partners: Egypt and Jordan, Portugal, Italy, and Romania.

Summary of ongoing international project

Summary of ongoing international project for international collaboration data gathering for SDG
No.  Project Name Financial Support Year /Status
1 Climate Change Management through Mitigation and Adaptation /AdapTM Erasmus Plus 2017/2021
2  Innovation for the Leather Industry in Jordan and Egypt / INNOLEA Erasmus Plus 2017/2021
3 MEDiterranean countries: Towards Internationalisation at Home / MED2IaH Erasmus Plus 2019/2023
4 New Professional Diploma in Plant Clinic and Phytosanitary Technologies /PRO-DPCP Erasmus Plus 2019/2023
5 University Student Capacity Building: Towards Readiness for Sustainable Development Oriented Regional Job Market (STREAM) Erasmus Plus 2020/2023