Nutrition & Clinical Nutrition

About the department:

Teach and develop animal nutrition and clinical nutrition courses, to try to provide the necessary advanced educational tools and to contribute to graduate good alumni who can interact with the problems of the food field, thus developing livestock, poultry and fish farms at the lowest cost and most efficient production within the educational system of the Faculty, and to carry out applied and scientific research and studies in animal nutrition and clinical nutrition, and in particular to ensure that the Department is a reference scientific center for conducting chemical analyzes of feedstuffs in farms and companies, with providing the necessary consultations to individuals in order to perform their role in serving society and the environment to the fullest.


1- Teaching and developing animal nutrition and clinical nutrition courses.

2-Conducting applied and scientific research and studies in animal nutrition and clinical nutrition to protect farm animals and pets from malnutrition diseases and various toxins.

3- Serving the community and raising the awareness of breeders and producers of the importance of proper animal nutrition to preserve its life and raise the production rate at all levels.

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