Bachelor’s degree stage

According to the request of the Council of the Faculty of Engineering, the Council of South Valley University grants the Bachelor’s Degree in one of the following disciplines in electrical engineering:

(a) General Division.

(b) the Construction Engineering Division.

(c) Water and Environment Engineering Division.

Studying System

The term of study for a Bachelor’s Degree in five years in the two-term system, studying begins with the Preparatory Year and is general for all students, then four years of specialized study, the students transferred for the first year shall be allocated to the specialization according to article 4 of these Regulations, as set out in the tables of courses.


The first student division performs training for three weeks at Faculty laboratories or work sites, and a field training system for students of the 2nd and 3rd divisions for a month following the exams in public establishments and factories. The student is granted a graduation certificate only after performing the training.


The students of the 4th Division prepare for Bachelor’s Project, and the divisional councils determine their subjects and determine an additional period after the Faculty examination for the second semester. The student who did not succeed in the project will be kept for repetition, even if he is successful in all courses.