The President of South Valley University inspects the electronic exams at the Faculty of Medicine.

Prof. Dr Youssef Gharbawy, President of South Valley University, inspected the 2nd level students exams of the Faculty of Medicine at the University’s Electronic Testing Center, in the presence of Dr Ahmed Kamal Nassary, Prof. Vice-President of Community Service and Environmental Development, and Prof. Dr Badawy Shahat, Vice-President of Education and Student Affairs.

Dr Ahmed Helmy, Director of the Electronic Testing Center at the university, stated that today the 479 students of the second year at the Faculty of Medicine are taking the Formative Subject’s Exam at the Electronic Testing Center, with following up all technical means related to the exam and removing any obstacles facing the students, that tour has witnessed by Dr Ahmed Hashem, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Medicine for Studies and Research Affairs, and Dr Hanan Fayed, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Medicine for Education and Student Affairs.