University Information Network Unit

Having an information network secured is one of the most important objectives of the Development of the Information Systems and Technology Project(ICTP) to benefit the remaining branches of the project and the University in general.


1-The presence of a group of Servers to provide information services to the University, whether in the systems of WEB pages, portals, the web pages of the University & their Faculty, MIS management information systems, and other applications required by Universities to achieve the minimum quality system. DNS Systems and E-mail Systems or E-learning e-learning e-learning.

2-Develop the various databases, make an integrated system and provide the required protections for Log Fire Walls/Intrusion prevention and other applications. Detection / Cache Engines.

3 – Provide Network Monitoring systems to facilitate the role of network operators in performing the required work.

4-. Provide a general framework for the protection of systems, devices, programs, and databases in a reference manner to facilitate the protection operation, etc.

5 – Provide a storage unit and strips unit to make backups of databases, etc.

6. Develop an appropriate structure for technical and administrative workers in the data and network goose, determine the pay for their work, how to be paid, and its source.

7-Training the data center and university network staff on devices and programs.