Military Form 2 for students who have secondary school certificate – Military state to technical diplomas.
A copy of ID card.
(6) personal photo.
Tuition & Fees
(50) Pound for the application packets.
(120) Pound for the course of (3) hour and (80) Pound for the course of (2) hour including books and tapes cost, (3) course at minimum to the student or (9) credit hour at least and (7) course at the semester at maximum or (18) credit hour at most.
(15) Pound for the course and (30) Pound at minimum for the exam of each course.
(25) Pound for each course that he failed in.
(15)% will be deducted in the case of refunding the fees. Fees can be refunded in the case of the first registration through the first month of payment at semester of registration when the student registers after returning books and tapes and the University Card whereas it can’t be refunded after a month from payment.
(30) Pound for each course.
Admission Requirements
Secondary School Certificate or its equivalents in case of passing (5) year from getting it.
Without Passing (5) year according to:
Secondary School Certificate, class (2009) and after.
Outcoming students in case of being the total score (50%) at least.
Secondary School Certificate or its equivalents from abroad in case of presenting a proof of legitimate residence abroad.