Training Courses for Students of Faculty of Engineering.

As a result of covid-19 , all students of all Egyptian universities learn through a hybrid educational programme links between teaching and learning through the internet and the courses at the universities campus.
This new reality demands from the academic students to provide research papers and projects, search for new sourced of information and learn how to use reliable resources on the internet.
And that resulted in establishing a set of better research skills. Since the Egyptian knowledge Bank (EKB)and ElSEVIER were always at the forefront of supporting students and researchers, so we decided to play our role in supporting the engineering education in Egypt, and that under the umbrella of the Egyptian knowledge Bank in cooperation with ministry of higher education. Elsevier launches a training series, specified for bachelor’s students of engineering to help in enlightening them about the basics of research and the difference between the research papers and projects, also to open new resources for supporting projects and design.