– The Management of Cultural Activity aims to promote the thinking and culture of the university students as well as develop their talents in all fields (poetry: Classical, Ami, Lyrical – Short Story – Novel – Drama – Scenarios – TV Reporting – Wall chart – Arabic Calligraphy – Memorizing the Entire Qur’an – Memorizing Half Qur’an – Memorizing Hadith – Religious Chanting – League of Information)
-Cultivate and consolidate the correct concepts of cultural activity.
-Spread cultural awareness among students.
-Care for talented students and work to upgrade their talents.
-Upgrade students’ skills and invest leisure time in some activities.
-Satisfy students’ tendencies and fill leisure in a positive way.
-Strengthening friendship relations between different colleges by holding cultural league competitions.
-Raising the Thinking and Culture of University Students
– The competitions that are performed by the management:
First: Internal Activity
-Competitions in Short stories, Novels, Scenarios, Essays, TV reporting, Poetry, Drama, Arabic calligraphy, Wall Magazin, and the league of Information.
-Workshops (Training and Developing the Talents of Exceptional Students Workshop).
-Qualifying competitions for Summit Meeting.
-Cultural league competition.
-Book Fair.
-The scientific miraculousness of the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah Conference.
Second: External activity
Nomination of successful students in internal competitions to participate in all the Cultural Events & Competitions at the level of Egyptian universities University Youth Week – Girls Week – Exceptional Students Week.