Article (19)
The faculty council determines the required majors, numbers and tables according to suggestions of the specialized departments’ councils in May every year.
Article (20)
To get diploma, the student should:
Get bachelor degree from any Egyptian university or equivalent.-
– Apply to the specialized department council and postgraduate committee for enrollment after the announcement.
-Attend lectures for two days weekly at least based on the work agreement if he works.
Article (21)
Study duration for general diploma in Physical Education a year no less than (30) week.
Article (22)
The faculty council determines courses according to the specialized departments’ councils and may modify these courses according to suggestions of the specialized departments’ councils.
Article (23)
Attendance should be more than 75%.The faculty council forbids the student from
Article (24)
The grading system is as follows:
Excellent….. from 90% to more
Very Good… from 80% to less than 90%
Good………. from 70% to less than 80%
Pass………… from 60% to 70%
Fail …………less than 60%
Article (25)
Holding exams for the general diploma in Physical Education for all majors twice in June and September determined by the postgraduate council suggestions
Master Degree:
Article (26)
To get Master degree, the student should:
-Get bachelor degree from any Egyptian university or equivalent with grade (Good) at least.
– Apply to the specialized department and postgraduate committee for enrollment after the announcement
-Attend lectures for two days weekly at least based on the work agreement if he works.
Article (27)
To get master degree, the student should:
Pass exams successfully based on the article (23).-
-Pass course of foreign language successfully according to the level approved by Assuit University as a condition for discussion the thesis.
-Register the thesis subject after the success and the faculty agreement according to the specialized department council and the postgraduate committee.
-Discuss the thesis overtly after a year from the faculty council agreement in condition of passing exams of the first and second year of master degree.
-Change the research subject and the agreement date will be the new registration date
Article (28)
The grading system is according to article (24)
Article (29)
Holding exams for doctorate degree (first and second class) according to article (25).
Article (30)
To get Master degree, the student should study for two years, success in exams and present acceptable thesis
Article (31)
The supervisor or supervisors present a report every (6) month about the student research and a final report to the specialized department council about the thesis validity for presenting to the debate committee to suggest forming arbitration committee in preparation for presenting it to the faculty council
Article (32)
Student enrollment will be cancelled in the following cases:
-Passing (5) year without getting the degree unless the faculty council grants him another year after the supervisor suggestion and the agreement of the specialized department and postgraduate committee
– presenting the supervisor or supervisors two successive reports about the non serious of the student after the agreement of the specialized department council, postgraduate committee and the faculty council
-Not following up the study for two years without an acceptable excuse
-Refusing the discussion committee the thesis
Applying to cancel his enrollment –
-Not satisfying conditions in article (27)
Doctorate Degree :
Article (33)
To PhD, the student should:
-Get master degree in physical education from any Egyptian University or equivalent.
-Attend lectures for two days weekly at least based on the work agreement if he works.
– Apply for the qualification test hold by the faculty.
-Pass course in foreign language successfully according to the level approved by Assuit University as a condition for discussion the thesis.
-Register the thesis subject after the success and the faculty agreement according to the specialized department council and the postgraduate committee.
-Discuss the thesis overtly after (2) year from the faculty council agreement in condition of passing exams of the first and second year of PhD.
-Change the research subject and the agreement date will be the new registration date .
Article (34)
The student may change the research subject and the agreement date will be the new registration date.
Article (35)
The grading system is according to article (24)
Article (36)
Holding exams for doctorate degree (first and second class) according to article (25) .
Article (37)
Study duration for doctorate degree is (3) year and not granting it only after his success and the thesis agreement .
Training Programs:
The faculty council may organize training courses after taking opinion of the specialized departments’ council based on a system aims to improve the scientific and applied level or provide the modern knowledge in physical education to serve the different sectors in physical education .
Transitional Rules:
This bylaw is applied from the beginning of the next academic year for the ratification date to all students. |