Visiting Luxor Campus

Prof. Dr. Abbas Mansour, President of the University, visited Luxor Campus .Firstly, He visited Culinary Training Center at Faculty of Tourism & Hotels where there is high quality chef’s training to meet the international standards of professional cookery .Secondly, he visited lectures’ halls and the library at Faculty of Alsun .Thirdly ,he visited Faculty of Archeology where he demanded to complete its buildings .Fourthly, he visited computers’ labs at Faculty of Computer and Information .Fifthly, he attended the workshops at Faculty of Fine Arts where he listened to students’ questions about establishing youth’s projects at the university , organizing festivals and holding mock court to train students of Faculty of Law . Finally, he asserted the importance of the role played by Governor of Luxor Dr. Mohamed Sayed Badr, referring to the development of faculties in luxor to serve the community.