Various Activities of The Student Training Camp at Faculty of Physical Education, South Valley University

Under the auspices of Dr. Youssef Gharbawy, President of the University, and Dr. Badawy Shahat, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, The activities of the student training camp for students of the 1st year of Faculty of Physical Education were launched

Dr. Ahmed Kamal Nassary, Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, made a tour to follow up on the work of the camp.

Dr. Ashraf Moussa, Dean of the Faculty, stated that the camp activities continue from 7 to 10 July, and the students were divided into two groups, with considering the precautionary measures against Coronavirus.

 Dr. Mahmoud Labib, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs declared; the activities included landscaping, painting, and public service. The participation of students in the activities is considered within the study plan and the college bylaw.