The Conclusion of the Quality Assurance Center Simulation Team Visit to Faculty of Specific Education

Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Youssef Ghrabawy, President of South Valley University, the simulation visit that organized by the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Center to Faculty of Specific Education was concluded.

The visit included a documentary examination of the files of the academic accreditation standards, reviewing the evidence and documents that supporting the accreditation, also checking laboratories and classrooms, and making sure that they meet the conditions and standards of accreditation announced by the National Authority for Quality Assurance.

At the end of the visit, the team met with Dr. Mohamed Saeed, Dean of Faculty of Specific Education, vice deans, heads of departments and directors of the units in order to discuss the most important observations of the review team in preparation for writing the final report for the simulation visit to the faculty.