The Activities of Masaar Project for Entrepreneurship at South Valley University


Prof. Youssef Gharbawy, President of the University, inaugurated Masaar project for entrepreneurship training, which is implemented by Enroot Development, funded by the Dutch government, in cooperation with Faculty of Agriculture at South Valley University, from July 5-6, with the presence of Dr. Ahmed Kamal Nassary, Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development affairs,  Dr. Essam Abdel-Hady, Dean of Faculty of Agriculture, and Dr. Hany Al-Salamouni, Head of the Developmental Programs Sector at Enroot Development.

It is noteworthy that Masaar Program was designed by the experts of Enroot Development with the aim of strengthening the emerging projects sector, linking them to markets, raising awareness of entrepreneurship, and coordinating efforts made in the entrepreneurship community in the governorates of southern Upper Egypt, in line with Egypt Vision 2030.

Dr. Gharbawy expressed his happiness with faculty of agriculture and the distinguished educational level it provides, which in turn is reflected in the quality of its graduates. stressing that entrepreneurship is one of the state’s directions to contribute to achieving development, and the University always strives to provide the necessary training for its students and to ensure integration through partnership with various institutions, working to narrow the gap between academic courses and the labor market and empowering young people to set up projects based on the outputs of scientific research.  Dr. Gharbawy pointed that the entrepreneurship course will be applied to all university students in accordance with the decision of the Supreme Council of Universities and in line with Egypt Vision 2030.