South Valley University organized a Multidisciplinary Convoy to El-Qenawiia Village at Qena province

Under the patronage of Prof. Dr Youssef Ghrabawy, President of South Valley University, a multidisciplinary convoy had organized by the University to El-Qenawiia Village in Qena province, as part of the University’s societal participation in the presidential initiative “A Dignified Life” that aims to develop the Egyptian Countryside

Prof. Dr Gharbawy pointed out that the university is working to implement its convoys in Qena province according to a time-bound plan, stressing the importance of these initiatives in changing and developing societies, facing and solving societal problems, with the participation of all the university’s scientific and theoretical faculties

Prof. Dr Ahmed Kamal Nassary, Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development, indicated that the convoy provides distinguished medical services to patients in all specialities with a participation of a distinguished group of doctors from the Faculty of Medicine, where the citizens had been examined and given free of charge treatment to all 680 patients, in addition to (7) cases of people with special needs, noting the cases that need surgical intervention have transferred to the University Hospital in Qena to receive the necessary treatment free of charge.

The faculty of Veterinary Medicine participated in the medical convoy, where the faculty members and their assistants examined and treated 186 animals, Such as buffaloes, sheep, camels and horses.

The convoy also provided several services to the people of the village, which has carried out by specialists from the faculties of Literature, artistic and musical specific education, agriculture, physical education and nursing.