South Valley University organized a multidisciplinary convoy to El-Azab El-Masry Village at Dashna Centre

Under the patronage of prof. Dr Youssef Ghrabawy, President of South Valley University, a multidisciplinary convoy was organized by the University to El-Azab El-Masry village at Dashna Centre, as part of the University’s societal participation in the presidential initiative “A Dignified Life” that aims to develop the Egyptian countryside
Prof. Dr Gharabawy stated that elite physicians from Qana University Hospitals had been able to carry out a medical examination to treat 828 patients cases of the villager and given them free treatment, these cases were evaluated and were provided with some guidance and advice
Prof. Dr Ahmed Kamal Nassary, Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development indicated that the faculty members and their assistants at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine participated in the medical convoy, where they examined and treated 20 animals in the specialities of animal medicine, surgery, obstetrics, and provided services, as part of the convoy interest about preserve livestock and poultry

A workshop was also held for the children of the village on arts to educate them and develop their artistic abilities through Combine educational activities with play to facilitate the learing process, the Anti-Addiction Group held also awareness meetings and made some situ visits for all ages to raise awareness of the drugs harm, avoid drug addiction and treatment