The World Academy of Sciences for the advancement of science
in developing countries’ Arab Regional Office (TWAS-ARO) will hold its 10th
Annual Meeting, 29-30 December 2014, at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina. On the
occasion of its annual meeting, an inter-disciplinary forum on Research and
Innovation will be held under the theme: Research and Innovation for
Sustainable Development in the Arab Region .This forum intends to bring
together distinguished speakers, to share their scientific career experience
and present their organizations/institutes/universities to the conference
participants through a presentation under the theme; “My Institution; My
The aim of the conference is to illuminate to young researchers the success
stories of eminent scientists by revealing the struggles and challenges they
faced in their careers as well as their experience within their institutions.
For more information about the conference registration process, please visit:
TriNex Best Paper Award
Deadline for submission: 31 December 2014TriNex
The (TriNex) Knowledge-Triangle Platform for the Water-Energy-Food Nexus
consortium calls for papers focusing on the themes of
education-research-innovation (knowledge-triangle) in the Water-Energy-Food
Nexus (WEF).
The authors of the three winning papers will be invited to present their
findings before researchers, authorities and the media to achieve maximum
dissemination and feedback for further research. The best one of them will be
selected to participate in TriNex trainings in Europe.
For more information, please visit:
TWAS-DFG Cooperation Visit
Deadline for submission: 31 March 2015
The TWAS-DFG Cooperation Visits Programme provides postdoctoral researchers who
have obtained their PhD not earlier than 2010 and are from sub-Saharan Africa,
including South Africa, with the opportunity to make a ‘Cooperation Visit’ to
an institute in Germany.
Such visits will have a duration of no more than three months and must be
undertaken within 12 months of the award.
For more information and to download application form, please visit:
Innovations in Science and Technology in Developing Countries – Call for Proposals is now open
Deadline for submission: 1 April 2015
The International Science, Technology and Innovation Centre for the South-South Cooperation (ISTIC) and TWAS are collaborating on a project aimed at identifying, rewarding and disseminating best practices in the innovative use of science and technology in the development of new products, processes or services that have had impacts on economic development in the South.
During the initial phase of the project, scientists, entrepreneurs and others are invited to submit summaries of their experience. Authors of the best 10–15 case studies, as judged by a panel of experts, will be invited to present full-length reports at a workshop in Malaysia scheduled for 10–11 October 2015.
During the workshop, the best three presentations will be rewarded with a cash prize of USD5,000, USD3,000 and USD2,000, respectively. The case studies of all finalists will be published by ISTIC and TWAS and made freely available throughout the South.
For more information and to download the submission form, please visit: