Honoring Ceremony at Faculty of Physical Therapy

 In the presence of the former president of SVU Prof. Dr. Abbas Mansour and the current Vice-President for Postgraduate and Research Affairs Prof. Dr. Ahmed AKkawy , Vice-President for Student Affairs Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abulfadl Badran and Vice- President for Community Services and Environmental Affairs Prof. Dr. Sohair Ahmed Hamdy, the current President of the University Prof. Dr. Youssef Gharabawi attended the honoring ceremony of students of Faculty of Physical Therapy. Prof. Dr. Youssef Gharabawi thanked Prof. Dr. Abbas Mansour and Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Khodary for their great efforts to the university. Besides, he referred to the role of the faculty in serving the community and relieving patients’ pain, calling the faculty students to participate actively in the student activities and gain experience from others. A large number of the faculty staff and students attended the ceremony and visited the Exhibition for the Medical Supplies that the ceremony included.