Achievements of Student Affairs Administration

1- The duration to have a license or bachelor degree is 4 academic years consists of eight semesters.

2- The academic year consists of two semesters (the first and the second semester), the student who is registered in the second semester can join the second semester of the same academic year.

3- The student transfers to the next year if he succeeded in all courses in the two semesters, or has two courses with him which he failed in them, if he failed in more than two materials, he should repeat his academic year.

4- May be the specialized departments hold oral, practical or written exams in some courses in the mid-semester, and considered as a part of class works according to department councils and approved by the College Board.

5- The faculty council can transfer one course from one semester to another in the same academic year. Provided that would not lead to an imbalance between the hours of two semesters.

6- May be some divisions of some faculties have scientific trips according to the department council and approved by the faculty Board.

7- May some courses require attending training courses in the decisions determined by the boards of sections and after the approval of the College and the University Council.

8- the faculty organizes students training in the suitable schools for the third and fourth year for the general and basic education, and childhood division, once a week during a year, the training is for the third year (basic education) In the early grades of primary education and for the Fourth year, students of this branch in the last rows of primary education.

9- Student training aims to prepare a good teacher- technical and administrative- which organized by the educational process, also guide students educationally, and preparing them psychological, emotional, and behavioral care, the College Board on proposals Department of Curriculum and teaching methods to identify the means to achieve these goals.

10- Determining the degree of student training, 100 grade for each third and fourth year in the basic and general education and childhood division. Those grades are added to the total for the student in the last of the year, the school manager has 20 of this grade.

11- The failure student still in the student training course even if he succeeded in all other courses.

12- the failure student in the student training course, the student doesn’t have the right to enter the exams of the second semester in the fourth year of this course or other courses he failed in it besides this course.

13- The student training course has 4 practical hours in a day; the supervision may be assigned to the practical education group in addition to faculty staff members or top teachers.

14- The technical and administrative supervision on student training and organizing the distribution of the supervision group of practical education in the methodology department.

15- estimating the student success of one course or the total :
a- Excellent from 85% and more.
b- Very good from 75% to less than 85%.
c- Good from 65% to less than 75%.
d- Pass from 50% to less than 65%

Estimating the failure as:
A- Weak from 30% to less than 50% of degree.
B- Very weak less than 30% of degree.

16- The student is granted cum laude if hid total degrees and the degree of the fourth year “Excellent” or “Very Good” at least, in the condition of the student didn’t fail before in any course.

17- Every course in which the student does the test, is a course that has a failure, success and limited time (3 hours).

18- if the material consists of two courses or more as the following:

  • The student is considered successful in this material if he has 50% at least from the total – he should obtain 25% at least in the written exam for each course, if he has less than 25% the student is considered a failure.
  •  If the student has in this material less than 50% of the total from its degrees, he should repeat his exam in all courses.

19- For faculty council; according to various departments’ councils, the student prevented from the exam in some courses or whole if he doesn’t attend his lectures, practical lessons if he exceeds the permitted absence.

20- “Human Rights” course consists of two parts, one is general (Human Rights), the second is private (Human Rights and Education Job) in this course the student can fail or succeed, doesn’t add to the total, the student can succeed if he has 50% at least.

21- It is allowed for educational departments after the approval of faculty council, grades distribution for all educational courses or some so that 80% from the total degree of the course for editorial, 10% for practical, and 10% for oral exams for courses that have practical hours, and the distribution of grades for courses that don’t have practical hours as the following, 80% editorial and 20% oral.