Post-graduate Administration

Enrollment Conditions

Students should apply to postgraduate administration for registration after the faculty dean agreement with the following:

· Certificate of Bachelor or diploma or master’s degree

· Certificate of Gradation of the four years

· Birth date certificate

· (4) Picture

· Agreement of the work or an acknowledgement of not working in the government or the public sector

· Military status (Exemption or deferment no less than a year from the faculty agreement on enrollment).

Granted Degrees:


Firstly : General Diploma

· one year diploma.

· two years diploma.

Secondly: Vocational Diploma in Education:

· Vocational Diploma in School Management.

· Vocational Diploma in Special Education.

· Vocational Diploma in Psychological counseling

· Vocational Diploma in Adult Education.

· Vocational Diploma in Educational Planning and Education Economics.

· Vocational Diploma in Kinder Garden.

· Vocational Diploma in Education Technology.

· Vocational Diploma in Psychological and Educational Measurement.

· Vocational Diploma in School psychology.

· Vocational Diploma in Curriculum Development.

· Vocational Diploma in Gifted and Talented Education.

Thirdly: Special Diploma in Education.              


·  Master in all educational specializations.

·  Master in Methodology.

· Master in Education Principles.

·  Master in Educational Psychology.

· Master in Psychological Health.


·  Philosophy Doctorate in all educational specializations.

· Philosophy Doctorate in Methodology.

· Philosophy Doctorate in Education Principles.

· Philosophy Doctorate in Educational Psychology.

· Philosophy Doctorate in Psychological Health.

Enrollment Conditions in Diploma:

Article (1)

·  Should have license or bachelor degree from any Egyptian University or an equivalent from any approved institute.

· The student should succeed in oral and written tests for ensuring that he is ready for teaching profession.

Article (2) 

Study duration for general diploma is one year; the duration of study should be no less than 30 weeks in a year. The employees should have the agreement of their work to continue their study at the faculty.

Article (3)

The general diploma is allowed for who have the same qualification which is mentioned in article (1) from teachers, social and psychological specialists, librarians, and who work in teaching field, those students study courses through two divisions, each one is presented in academic year.

Article (5)

·  There is one day every week specialized for practicing vocational activity in education in general education level or technical. The student training may include connected training period which is specified by faculty council which is should be no less than two weeks.

·Methodology puts after the agreement of faculty council the organizational procedures which provide supervision on students during training.

· The student training course should be four practical hours in a day weekly.

· The faculty council may replace the student training by field training suitable for student specialization.

· Student training grades distribution is 80% for external supervisor and 20% for internal supervisor or school manager.


Article (6)

The faculty council according to specialized department request has the right to prevent student from attending the exam in some or all of department courses, if the attendance of student is less than 75% in lectures. In this case the student is considered a failure in courses.

Article (7)

Diploma exam is held at the end of academic year, the duration of written exam in every course is 3 hours. 

Article (8)

Specialized for it 20% from absolute magnitude for every course for oral tests and works of the year, for materials that have labs exams, were specialized for them another 20% and is followed by Article (5) which is about student training.

Article (9)

· The students do their exams at the end of the academic year in their courses which has been studied in the same year; the overall grade is calculated by added grades of two years.

· The student transfers from the first year to the second, if he succeeded in all courses of the first year or failed in no more than two materials.


Article (10)

· The regulations of success and failure of license and bachelor are applied on the general diploma also the percentages of grades.

 Article (11) 

· If the student failed in student training course, it is not allowed for him to enter exam.  The faculty council should reregister him in the next year as a new student, and return his year and exam; the student has no right to reregister himself more than once.

· If the student succeeded in student training course and failed in one or more of the other materials. The student has a right to enter exam from outside in the next year. In all conditions it is not allowed to fail in one material two times without suitable excuse.

· September exams are held for students, the faculty council has a right to put other times if the conditions are not suitable.

  Article (12)

If the student depletes his chances for entering exam, the faculty council has a right to reregister him as a new student in condition of not failed more than one time, if he failed more than one time; they delete his register from general diploma.

Vocational Diploma in Education

Article (13)

The registration condition of Vocational Diploma is:
The student should have general diploma in Education, license degree in Arts and Education, or Bachelor degree in Science and Education from any Egyptian university or an equivalent degree from any certified institute

Article (14)

Study duration is one academic year; the student should succeed in faculty tests. The study duration shouldn’t be less than 30 weeks in a year.

Article (16)

The faculty council specified any changes in courses, its practical, and Theoretical study hours, and organizing exams according to the faculty council and post graduates committee’s opinion.

Article (17)

The faculty council according to the specialized department has a right to prevent student from providing to exams in all or some courses if his presence percentage in lectures is less than 75%. The student is considered a failure in courses that he prevented from it.

Article (18)

– Vocational diploma exam is held at the end of the academic year for three hours for each course. The exam has written and oral tests in courses that have been studied.

– If the student failed in field training or doesn’t present it, he has no right top enter the exam.

Article (19)

If the student absent in vocational diploma exam or failed in all or some of courses, the student has a right to enter September exams, no more than two courses and will take the minimum grade (pass) in it. If his failure is repeated, he will repeat the year;. If failed another time, hi registration in diploma will be deleted.

Article (20)

It is applied on vocational diploma students, success and failure grades which have been applied on special diploma in education.

Article (21)

It is mentioned in student certificate his grades in courses.