Awareness symposium on national security and community awareness at the Faculty of Education

Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Youssef Gharbawy, President of the University, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Kamal, Vice President for Environmental Development and Community Service, and Prof. Dr. Mahsoub Abdel Qader Al-Dawy, Dean of the Faculty of Education,  a awareness symposium on national security and community awareness was organised at the Faculty of Education.

The symposium was moderated by Prof. Muhammad Sabry Al Ansary, who stressed that national security and community awareness are among the most serious issues on the arenas in various countries. Egypt is well aware of the importance of raising social awareness among individuals reflected in the preservation of its national security and the elimination of extremist ideas and chaos so as to complement its steps towards development and achieve sustainable development desired by political leadership and citizens.

Prof. Dr. Ashraf Hakim, Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development at the Faculty of Arts, said that national awareness is very important for all peoples of the world because it is the national immune system which all societies advance. It is impossible for societies to proceed without raising their national awareness, which requires addressing citizens in terms of religion, education, culture, media and art.

Dr. Ahmed Jalal pointed out that if the society suffers at some point from the absence or falsification of awareness, it rises to recover its awareness, through interdependence, solidarity and work in the spirit of the group in the social and economic aspects. 

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