Scientific Research
1- Editor in chief for the journal of Advances in Biological Research
2- Editor in The World journal for Agricultural Sciences
3- Member of Editorial board of Oecologia aegyptiaca Journal
4- Member of Editorial board of Plant Pathology & Quarantine online Journal
5- Member of Editorial board of Current Research in Environmental & Applied Mycology journal
6- Reviewer for Asian Journal of Scientific Research
7- Reviewer for Research Journal of Microbiology
8- Reviewer for African Journal of Microbiology
9- Reviewer for African Journal of Food Science
10- Reviewer for Journal of Current Microbiology
11- Reviewer for Journal of food Safety
12- Reviewer for Canadian Journal of plant pathology
13- Reviewer for Journal of Extremophiles
14- Reviewer for Brazilian Journal of Microbiology
15- Reviewer for Mycotoxins
16- Reviewer for Food Safety
List of Publications
A) Articles in journals
1. Abdel-Hafez, S.I.I., El-Said, A, H.M. and Gherbawy, Y.A.M.H. (1995): Mycoflora of leaf surface, stem, bagasse and juice of adult sugarcane plant and cellulolytic ability in Egypt. Bull. Fac. Sci., Assiut Univ.24 (2 – D) :153 – 179.
2. Abdel-Hafez, S.I.I., El-Said, A.H.M. and Gherbawy, Y.A.M.H. (1995): Seasonal fluctuations of soil and root surface fungi of sugarcane in Egypt. Bull. Fac. Sci., Assiut Univ.24 (2 – D): 131 – 151.
3. Abdel-Hafez, S.I.I., El-Said, A,H.M. and Gherbawy, Y.A.M.H. (1995): Seasonal variations of air, leaf and stem surface of sugarcane and amylolytic ability in Egypt. Bull. Fac. Sci., Assiut Univ.24 (2 – D): 113 – 130.
4. Mohawed, S.M., Abdel-.Hafez, S.I.I., Moharram, A.M. and Gherbawy, Y.A.M. (1995): Mycoflora of hair, feather and flooring materials under cows and chicken at Qena, Egypt. Cryptogamie Mycol. 16 (3) :223-236. Impact factor 0.717
5. Youssuf A.M.H. Gherbawy (1996): Keratinolytic and keratinophilic fungi of mangrove’s soil and air in the city of Qena and their response to garlic extract and onion oil treatments. Acta Mycologica 31:87-99.
6. El-Said, A, H.M. and Gherbawy, Y.A.M.H. (1996): Keratinolytic and keratinophilic fungi of goat and sheep and in the soil of Emirates. Aswan Sci. Tech. Bull., South Valley Univ.17: 219 – 232.
7. Mohawed, S.M., Moharram, A.M., Abdel-.Hafez, S.I.I. and Gherbawy, Y.A.M. (1996): Effect of garlic extract and some organic compounds on feedstuffs fungi in Qena, Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Microbiology 31: 129 – 138.
8. Gherbawy, Y.A.M.H. (1998): Effect of gamma irradiation on the cell wall degrading enzymes by Aspergillus niger. International Journal of Food Microbiology 40: 127- 131. Impact factor 3.011.
9. Gherbawy, Y.A.M.H. and Abdelzaher, H.M.A (1999): Isolation of fungi from tomato rhizosphere and evaluation of the effect of some fungicides and biological agents on the production of cellulase enzymes by Nectria haematococca and Pythium ultimum var. ultimum. Czech Mycology 51:157-170.
10. Gherbawy, Y.A.M.H. (1999): RAPD profile analysis of isolates belonging to different formae speciales of Fusarium oxysporum. Cytologia 64 :269-276. Impact factor 0.470.
11. O´Donnell, K., Gherbawy, Y., Schweigkofler, W., Adler, A. and Prillinger, H. (1999): Comparative phylogenetic analysis of Fusarium oxysporum and related species from maize using DNA sequence and RAPD data. J. Phytopathology 147 :445-452. Impact factor 0.983.
12. Gherbawy, Y.A.M.H. and Abdelzaher, H.M.A. (1999): Studies on the mycoflora of cheese in Egypt and their enzymatic activities. Journal of Food Mycology 2 (1):281-289.
13. Gherbawy,Y.A.M.H. and Prillinger, H. (2000): Root mycoflora of pepper (Capsicum annuum) antagonistic to Verticillium dahliae. Czech Mycology 52 (3): 219-226.
14. Gherbawy, Y.A.M.H. (2001): Use of RAPD-PCR to characterize Eurotium strains isolated from date fruits. Cytologia 66: 349-356. Impact factor 0.470.
15. Gherbawy, Y.A.M.H. and Farghaly, R.M. (2002): Mycological studies on chicken-viscera with the aid of RAPD-PCR techniques as a tool for confirmation. Mycobiology 30: 5-12.
16. Gherbawy, Y.A.M.H. and Hani M.A. Abdelzaher (2002): Using of RAPD-PCR for Separation of Pythium spinosum Sawada into two varieties: var. spinosum and var. sporangiferum. Cytologia. 67: 83-94. Impact factor 0.470.
17. Gherbawy, Y.A.M.H., Andreas Adler and Hansjörg Prillinger (2002): Genotypic identification of Fusarium subglutinans, F. proliferatum and F. verticillioides strains isolated from maize in Austria. Mycobiology 30 (3): 139-145.
18. Michael Wuczkowski, Irina Druzhinina, Youssuf Gherbawy, Brigitte Klug, Hansjörg Prillinger, Christian P. Kubicek (2003) Species pattern and genetic diversity of Trichoderma in a mid-European, primeval floodplain-forest . Microbiological Research.158 (2): 125-133. Impact factor 1.771.
19. Youssuf A.M.H. Gherbawy and Manal Yaser (2003): Fungicides and some biological controller agents effects on the growth of Fusarium oxysporum causing wilt disease of paprika. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection 36:235-245.
20. Fiss, M., Barckhausen, O., Gherbawy, Y., Kollar, A., Hamamoto, M. and Auling, G. (2003): Characterization of epiphytic yeasts of apple as potential biocontrol agents apple scab (Venturia inaequalis). Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 110(6):513-523. Impact factor 0.35
21. Farghaly, R.M, Gherbawy, Y.A.M. and Yosef, M.S. (2004): Contamination of meat stored in home refrigerators in Qena (Egypt). Czech Mycology 56(1-2): 53-62.
22. Youssuf Gherbawy, I. Druzhinina, G.M. Shaban, M. Wuczkowski, M. Yaser, M. A. El-Naghy, H. Prillinger and C.P. Kubicek (2004): Trichoderma populations from alkaline agricultural soil in the Nile valley, Egypt, display an unusual poor biodiversity. Mycological progress 3 (3): 211-218. Impact factor 1.266.
23. Hani M. A. Abdelzaher, M. M. Imam, M. A. Shoulkamy, and Y. M. A. Gherbawy (2004): Biological control of damping-off of jew’s mallow (caused by Pythium aphanidermatum) using selected antagonistic rhizospheric strains of fluorescent pseudomonads. Mycobiology 32(3) 139-147.
24. Youssuf A.M.H. Gherbawy (2004): Genetic variation among isolates of Alternaria spp from some Egyptian crops. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection 28 (2) 77- 89.
25. Youssuf A.M.H. Gherbawy , Hani M.A. Abdelzaher, Jochen Meens and Hesham El-Hariry (2005): Morphological and molecular identification of some closely related Pythium species in Egypt. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection 38 (3) 193-208.
26. Youssuf A.M.H. Gherbawy, Thanaa A. Maghraby and Yassmin M. Shebany (2006): Seasonal variations of Fusarium species in wheat fields in The Upper Egypt. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection 39(5): 365 – 377.
27. Youssuf A.M.H. Gherbawy, Thanaa Maghraby, Hassan El-Sharony and Mohamed Hussein (2006) Diversity of keratinophilic fungi on human hairs and nails at four governorates in Upper Egypt. Mycobiology 34:180-184.
28. Bateman G. L., Gutteridge R. J., Gherbawy Y., Thomsett M., and Nicholson P. (2007) Infection of stem bases and grains of winter wheat by Fusarium culmorum and F. graminearum and effects of tillage method and maize-stalk residues . Plant Pathology 53: 604-615. Impact factor 2.237.
29. Gherbawy Y., Kesselboth, C.; Hoffmann, K.; Eckart, M.; Doerfelt, H. and Voigt, K. (2008). Morpho- and genotypisation of allergogenic fungi. MYCOSES 51:429-429. Impact factor 1.402.
30. Abdel Elah A. Banaja, Manal B. Jamjoom, Ismail M. Shalaby and Youssuf Gherbawy (2008): Discrimination between susceptible and non-susceptible Biomphalaria alexandrina snails intermediate hosts of Schistsomiasis in Western Saudi Arabia using random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis. Belgian Journal Of Zoology 138 (2) : 191-195. Impact factor 0.469.
31. Thanaa A. Maghraby, Youssuf A.M.H. Gherbawy and Mohamed A.Hussein (2008). Keratinophilic fungi inhabiting floor dusts of student houses at the South Valley University in Egypt. Aerobiologia 24:99–106. Impact factor 1.173.
32. Youssuf Gherbawy (2008) Toxigenic potential of some Fusarium culmorum and F. graminearum strains isolated from Egyptian wheat. Journal of Plant Pathology 90: S3.54. Impact factor 0.974.
33. Fardos Bokhari, Youssuf Gherbawy and Azhar Najjar (2009) Detection of patulin potential of some Paecilomyces variotii strains isolated from Jeddah City (Saudi Arabia) airospora using RAPD-PCR technique. Aerobiologia 25:49–54. Impact factor 1.173.
34. Hassan M. El-Sahrouny, Youssuf A. M. H. Gherbawy and Faten A. Abdel-Aziz (2009) Diversity of aquatic fungi from two brackish and two saline lakes in Egypt. Nova Hedwigia 89:437-450. Impact factor 0.763.
35. Youssuf Gherbawy and Neammat Hussien (2010) Molecular characterization for Mucor circinelloides and Rhizopus stolonifer strains isolated from some Saudi fruits. Foodborne pathogens and disease 7:137-142. Impact factor 2.134.
36. Abdulla A. Talhi, Youssuf A. Gherbawy and Sabry A. Hassan (2010) . Antibiotic Resistance in Escherichia coli isolated from chicken meat in Taif region (Saudi Arabia). Foodborne pathogens and disease 7:281-285. Impact factor 2.134.
37. Rukaia M. Gashgari, Yassmin M. Shebany, Youssuf A. Gherbawy (2010). Molecular Characterization of Mycobiota and Aflatoxins contamination of retail wheat flours from Jeddah markets. Foodborne pathogens and disease. 7 (9): 1047-1054. Impact factor 2.134.
38. Hesham Elhariry Abdul Aziz Bahobial1 and Youssuf Gherbawy (2011) Genotypic identification of Penicillium expansum and the role of processing on patulin presence in juice. Food and Chemical Toxicology 49 (2011) 941–946. Impact factor 2.999.
39. Ismail Shalaby Youssuf Gherbawy and Abdel Elah Banaja (2011) Genetic diversity among Schistosoma mansoni population in western region of Saudi Arabia. Tropical Biomedicine 28 (1): 90–101. Impact factor 0.649.
40. Abdullah M. Alzahrani and Youssuf A. Gherbawy (2011). Antibiotic Resistance in Escherichia coli Strains Isolated from Water Springs in Al-Ahsa Region. African Journal of Microbiology Research 5(2): 123-130. Impact factor 0.407.
41. Sabry A. Hassan, Abdulla A. Talhi, Youssuf A. Gherbawy and Bahig El-Deeb (2011). Bacterial Load of Fresh Vegetables and Their Resistance to the Currently Used Antibiotics in Saudi Arabia. Foodborne pathogen and disease 8 (9): 1011-1018. Impact factor 2.260.
42. Ismail Shalaby , Youssuf Gherbawy, Manal Jamjoom and Abdel Elah Banaja (2011). Genotypic Characterization of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis at al Baha and Al Qasim Provinces (Saudi Arabia). Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 11(7): 807-813. Impact factor 2. 437.
43. Ismail Shalaby, Youssuf Gherbawy and Abdel Elah Banaja (2011). Molecular characterization of Giardia parasite isolated from stool samples collected from different hospitals in Taif City (Saudi Arabia). Tropical Biomedicine 28(3): 487–496. Impact factor 0.649.
44. Rukaia M. Gashgari, Yassmin M. Shebany, Youssuf A. Gherbawy (2011). Molecular Characterization of ochratoxigenic fungi associated with raisins. Foodborne pathogens and disease 8 (11): 1221-1227. Impact factor 2.260.
45. Hesham M. Elhariry, Youssuf A. Gherbawy, Abdullah Altalhi and Bahig El-Deeb (2012): Molecular Identification and Biofilm-Forming Ability of Culturable Aquatic Bacteria In Microbial Biofilms Formed in Drinking Water Distribution Networks. Geomicrobiology Journal 29:561–569. Impact factor 1.830.
46. Youssuf A. Gherbawy , Hesham M. Elhariry and Abdul Aziz S. Bahobial (2012). Mycobiota and mycotoxins (ochratoxin and aflatoxins) associated with some Saudi date palm fruits. Foodborne pathogens and disease. 9:561-567. Impact factor 2.134.
47. Youssuf A. Gherbawy, Hesham Elhariry , Abdulla Altalhi and Bahig El-Deeb (2012) Molecular screening of family 19 chitinase-producing Streptomyces and their potential antagonists against some phytopathogenic fungi. The Journal of Microbiology 50:459–468 . Impact factor 1.276.
48. Bahig El-Deeb, Salih Bazaid, Youssuf A. Gherbawy & Hesham Elhariry (2012). Characterization of endophytic bacteria associated with rose plant (Rosa damascena trigintipeta) during flowering stage and their plant growth promoting traits. Journal of Plant Interactions 7:248-253. Impact Factor 0.889.
49. Bahig El-Deeb, Youssuf Gherbawy, Sabry Hassan (2012). Molecular Characterization of Endophytic Bacteria from Metal Hyperaccumulator Aquatic Plant (Eichhornia crassipes) and Its Role in Heavy Metal Removal. Geomicrobiology Journal 29:906–915. Impact factor 1.830.
50. Youssuf A. Gherbawy, Mohamed A. El-Tayeb, Thanaa A. Maghraby, Yasmin M. Shebany and Bahig A. El-Deeb. (2012). response of antioxidant enzymes and some metabolic activities in wheat to Fusarium spp. Acta Agronomica Hungarica, 60(4): 319–333 .
51. Mohammed Y. Shobrak, Sabry A. Hassan, Corinne Stiévenart, Youssuf A. Gherbawy, Bahig A. El-Deeb (2013). Prevalence and Antibiotic Resistance Profile of Intestinal Bacteria isolated from captive adult Houbara Bustards (Chlamydotis macqueenii ) exposed to natural weather conditions in Saudi Arabia. Global Veterinaria 10 (3): 276-284. Impact Factor 0.329.
52. Bahig El-Deeb, Khalaf Fayez, Youssuf A. Gherbawy (2013). Isolation and characterization of endophytic bacteria from Plectranthus tenuiflorus medicinal plant in Saudi Arabia desert and their antimicrobial activities. Journal of Plant Interactions 1: 56-64. Impact factor 0.889.
53. Rukaia M. Gashgari, Hesham M. Elhariry, Youssuf A. Gherbawy (2013). Molecular Detection of Mycobiota in Drinking Water at Four Different Sampling Points of Water Distribution System of Jeddah City (Saudi Arabia) Geomicrobiology Journal 30: 29–35 . Impact factor 1.830.
54. Ismail Shalaby, Youssuf Gherbawy and Abdel Elah Banaja (2013). Molecular characterization of Fasciola species isolated from sheep in Taif region (Saudi Arabia). Tropical Biomedicine 30(1):1-12. Impact factor 0.649.
55. Bahig El-Deeb and Youssuf Gherbawy (2013). Plasmid -mediated molluscicide “Bayluscide” degradation by bacterial strain isolated from Schistosome Vector Snail Bulinus Truncates. Geomicrobiology Journal 30: 391–398. Impact factor 1.830.
56. Rukaia M. Gashgari and Youssuf A. Gherbawy (2013). Pathogenicty of Fusarium associated with potato superficial blemishes of potato tubers. Polish Journal of Microbiology 62 (1): 59–66. Impact Factor 0.76.
57. Youssuf A. Gherbawy and Rukaia M. Gashgari and (2013). Mycobiota associated with superficial blemishes of potato tubers. Food Biotechnology, 27:137–151. Impact Factor: 0.521 .
58. Bahig El-Deeb, Hesham Elhariry, Abdulla Altalhi, Sabry Hassan and Youssuf Gherbawy (2013). Isolation and characterization of endophytic Bacilli bacterium from maize grains able to detoxify Aflatoxin B1. Food Biotechnology, 27:199–212. Impact Factor: 0.521 .
59. Youssuf Gherbawy , Ismail Shalaby, Mahmoud Abd El-sadek, Hesham Elhariry and Banaja Abdelilah (2013). The Anti-Fasciolasis properties of Silver nanoparticles produced by Trichoderma harzianum and their improvement of anti-fasciolasis drugs. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 14, 21887-21898. Impact Factor: 2.464 .
60. Bahig El-Deeb, Nassar Y. Mostafa, Abdulla Altalhi and Youssuf Gherbawy (2013). Extracellular Biosynthesis of Silver Nanoparticles by Bacteria Alcaligenes Faecalis with Highly Efficient Anti-Microbial Property. International Journal of Chemical Engineering 1:1-8.
61. Mohamed Ramadan El Sayed Aly, Adel M. Okael, Youssuf A.M. H. Gherbawy (2013). Synthesis, Insecticidal, and Fungicidal Screening of Some New Synthetic Quinoline Derivatives. Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry 40: 214–227. Impact Factor: 0.523 .
62. Azhar Najjar, Norhani Abdullah, Wan Zuhainis Saad, Syahida Ahmad, Ehsan Oskoueian, Faridah Abas and Youssuf Gherbawy (2013). Detoxification o f Toxic Phorbol Esters from Malaysian Jatropha curcas Linn. Kernel by Trichoderma spp. and Endophytic Fungi .Int. J. Mol. Sci. 15: 2274-2288. Impact Factor: 2.464 .
63. Youssuf A. Gherbawy and Rukaia M. Gashgari (2014). Molecular characterization of endophytic fungi from Calotropis procera plants in Taif region (Saudi Arabia) and their antifungal activities. Plant Biosystems 6: 1085-1092. Impact Factor: 1.912.
64. Shalaby, I., Gherbawy, Y., Banaja, A.1 (2014). Prevalence and genotyping of Cryptosporidium parasite in stool samples collected from Taif City (Saudi Arabia). Tropical Biomedicine 3(2):215-224. Impact factor 0.649.
65. Azhar Najjar, Norhani Abdullah, Wan Zuhainis Saad, Syahida Ahmad, Ehsan Oskoueian and Youssuf Gherbawy (2014). Removal of Phorbol Esters Present in Jatropha curcas Kernel by Fungal Isolates. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology 16: 871–878. Impact Factor: 0.81.
66. Hesham Elhariry, Abeer A. Abouzaid, Ghada M. Khiralla1 and Youssuf Gherbawy (2013). Antibiofilm formation and anti-adhesive (to HEp-2 cells) effects of rosemary water extract against some food-related pathogens. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 49:1132-1141. Impact Factor: 1.24.
67. Youssuf A. Gherbawy and Hesham M. Elhariry (2015). Molecular characterization of endophytic fungi associated with high-altitude Juniperus trees and their antimicrobial activities. Plant Biosystems 1: 131-140. Impact Factor: 1.912.
68. Ahmed M. Abdel-Azeem, Youssuf A. Gherbawy and Ayman M. Sabry (2015). Enzyme profiles and genotyping of Chaetomium globosum isolates from various substrates. Plant Biosystems (in press). Impact Factor: 1.912.
69. Sabry Hassan, Youssuf Gherbawy and Abdulla Altalhi (2015). Genetic heterogeneity of CTX-M type extended-spectrum β-lactamase producing Escherichia coli strains from diverse sources in Saudi Arabia. International Arabic Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 5(2): 1-8.
70. Youssuf A. Gherbawy, Yassmin M. Shebany, Mohmaed A. Hussein annd Thanaa A. Maghraby (2015). Molecular detection of mycobiota and aflatoxins contamination of chili. Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade, 67 (1): 223-234. Impact Factor:0.607.
71. Ahmed R. Al-Najada and Youssuf A. Gherbawy (2015). Molecular Identification of Spoilage Fungi Isolated from Fruit and Vegetables and Their Control with Chitosan. Food Biotechnology 29:166–184, Impact Factor: 0.521.
72. Youssuf Gherbawy, Hesham Elhariry, Sandor Kocsube, Abdulaziz Bahobial, Bahig El Deeb, Abdulla Altalhi, Janos Varga, and Csaba Vagvolgy (2015). Molecular Characterization of Black Aspergillus Species from Onion and Their Potential for Ochratoxin A and Fumonisin B2 Production. Foodborne pathogens and disease 12:414-23. Impact factor 1.905.
73. Youssuf A. Gherbawy, Yassmin M. Shebany and Helal F. Alharthy (2016). Molecular characterization of aflatoxigenic aspergilli contaminated poultry and animal feedstuff samples from western region in Saudi Arabia. Italian Journal of Food Science 28:32-42. Impact factor 0.3.
74. Youssuf Gherbawy, Bahig El-Deeb, Amal Al Hazzani, Amena Maher and
Afaf Shehata (2015). Mycobiota of oil contaminated soil samples and their abilities for dibenzothiophene desulfurization. Geomicrobiology (In press). Impact factor 1.440.
75. Hesham Elhariry, Abeer A. Abouzaid, Ghada M. Khiralla and Youssuf Gherbawy (2016). Natural occurrence of Alternaria toxins in pomegranate fruits and the influence of some technological processing on their levels in juice. Acta Alimentaria 43: 380-389. Impact factor 0.260.
76. Hams M A Mohamed, Eman G A El-Dawy and Youssuf A. Gherbawy (2017). Characterization of virulance genes in Candida albicans strains isolated from oral lesions of small ruminants. Int. J. Agric.Sc & Vet.Med. 5: 65-73.
77. Youssuf A. Gherbawy and Yassmin M. Shebany (2018). Mycobiota, total aflatoxins and ochratoxin a of cardamom pods. Food Science and Technology Research (In press). Impact factor 0.380.
78. Youssuf A. Gherbawy, Yassmin M. Shebany and Helal F. Alharthy (2016). Fungal and aflatoxin contamination of poultry and animal feedstuff samples in western region of Saudi Arabia. ms submitted.
79. Sabry A. Hassan and Youssuf A. Gherbawy (2015). Analysis of Environmental Contamination with Bacteria and Fungi in a broiler house in Qena, Egypt. ms submitted.
B) Contributions to Scientific Books
80. Adler, A., Lew, H., Brunner, S., Gherbawy, Y.A.M.H., Prillinger, H.J., Kullnig Gradinger, C.M., Mach, R.L., Kubicek, C.P. (2002) Fusaria of the Gibberella fujikuroi species complex – shifting of species and toxins in Austrian maize. 42-50, EFMO Proceedings, Speyer, Germany
81. Youssuf Gherbawy, Mohamed El-Naghy and Abdullah Altalhi (2006): Polymerase Chain Reaction-based Methods in Fusarium Taxonomy. Chapter 8, in Plant Genome: Biodiversity and Evolution Volume 2B: Lower Groups (Editors A.K. Sharma and Archana Sharma). Science Publishers Inc., Enfield, New Hampshire 03748, USA.
82. Altalhi A., El Deeb, B. and Gherbawy Y. (2008): Role of bacterial plasmid in xenobiotic degradation. Chapter 11 in Microbial Biotechnology (Editors Saikai, Ratul) published by New Indian Publishing Agency.
83. Youssuf Gherbawy, Robert Mach and Mahendra Rai (2009): Current Advances in Molecular Mycology. Novapulishers (USA).
84. Avinash Ingle, Alka Karwa, Mahendra Rai and Youssuf Gherbawy (2009): Fusarium: Molecular detection, mycotoxins and biocontrol. Chapter 4 in Current Advances in Molecular Mycology. Novapulishers (USA). P 85-106.
85. Youssuf Gherbawy , Bahig El Deeb, Sabry Hassan and Mahendra Rai (2009): Molecular markers of Fusarium oxysporum formae speciales characterization. Chapter 6 in Current Advances in Molecular Mycology. Novapulishers (USA). P. 139-170.
86. Youssuf Gherbawy and Krestin Voigt (eds.) (2010): Molecular identification of fungi. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.
87. Youssuf Gherbawy , Claudia Kesselboth, Hesham Elhariry & Kerstin Hoffmann (2010) Molecular barcoding of microscopic fungi with emphasis on the mucoralean genera Mucor and Rhizopus (2010): In: Y. Gherbawy, K. Voigt (eds.) Molecular identification of fungi. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. New York: P. 213-250.
C) Contributions to academic conferences
1. Abdelzaher, H.M.A., Sholkamy, M.A., Gherbawy, Y.A.M.H. and Fadl Allah, E.M. (1998): Possible involvement of cell wall degrading enzymes in pathogenesis of Pythium spinosum Sawada, the damping-off fungus of Egyptian clover. Sixth Egyptian Botanical Society Conference, Cairo University, 24-26 November, 1998.
2. Abdelzaher, H.M.A., Gherbawy, Y.A.M.H. and El.Naghy, M.A. (1999): Damping – off disease of maize caused by Pythium deliense Meurs in El – Minia, Egypt and its possible control by some antagonistic soil fungi. The Annual Meeting of the Phytopathological Society of Japan held in Niigata University during April 2-4, 1999.
3. Gherbawy, Y.A.M.H. and Prillinger, H. (1999): Root’s mycoflora of pepper (Capsicum annuum) antagonistic to Verticillium dahliae. The Annual Meeting of the “Gesellschaft für Mykologie und Lichenologie (GML)” and the “Sektion Mykologie und Lichenologie der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft (SML) held in University of Tübingen during June 3-6, 1999.
4. Gherbawy, Y.A.M.H. and Prillinger, H. (1999): Genotypic identification of Fusarium subglutinans isolated from Austrian maize. The Annual Meeting of ALVA (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Landwirtschaftlicher Versuchsanstalten in Oesterreich) held in Mold during November 11-12, 1999.
5. Farghaly, R.M, Gherbawy, Y.A.M. and Yosef, M.S. (2000) Evaluation of mycoflora in meat in home-refrigerators with confirmation by using PCR (Polymerase chain reaction) method. 9th Scientific Cong. 2000, Fac. Vet. Med., Assiut Univ., Egypt.
6. Gherbawy, Y.A.M.H. (2001): The use of RAPD-PCR for the characterization of Eurotium strains isolated from date fruits. The second international conference on date palms held at Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates, March 25-27,2001.
7. Hassan M. El-Sharouny, Faten A. Abdelaziz and Youssuf Gherbawy (2001): Higher freshwater fungi in the River Nile. The 8th. International Marine and Freshwater Mycology Symposium. Red Sea , Hurghada, Egypt, July 7-12, 2001.
8. Gherbawy, Y.A.M.H., Andreas Adler and Hansjörg Prillinger (2001): Genotypic identification of Fusarium subglutinans, F. proliferatum and F. verticillioides strains isolated from maize in Austria. The first international conference for the Egyptian British biological society held at Ismailia July 29-30, 2001.
9. Adler, A., H. Lew, S. Brunner, Gherbawy, Y.A.M.H., H. J. Prillinger, C. M. Kulling-Gradinger, R. L. Mach and C. P. Kubicek (2002). Fusaria of the Gibberella fujikuroi species complex – shifting of species and toxins in Austrian maize. Annual Meeting of the European Feed Microbiology Organisation, Speyer, Germany.
10. Mach, R.L., Gherbawy, Y.A.M.H.,, Adler, A. Kullnig, C.M., Prillinger, H. and C.P., Kubicek. Molecular Systematics of the Gibberella fujikuroi Species Complex Isolated from Austrian Maize (2001) Given at: Mold Meeting 2001, Hartberg, Austria.
11. Youssuf Gherbawy (2008) Toxigenic potential of some Fusarium culmorum and F. graminearum strains isolated from Egyptian wheat. X International Fusarium workshop and Fusarium Genomics workshop, Alghero, Italy, August, 30- September, 2, 2008.
12. Y. Gherbawy, C. Kesselboth, K. Hoffmann, M. Eckart, H. Dörfelt, K. Voigt (2008) Morpho- und Genotypisierung Allergie-auslösender Pilze. 42. Wissenschaftliche Tagung der Deutschsprachigen. Mykologischen Gesellschafte. V. Friedrich-Schiller Universty, Jena, September 4-6, 2008.
13. Yasmin Shebany, Osman El-Maghraby and Youssuf Gherbawy (2009) Molecular characterization of some endophytic Chaetomium globosum strains isolated from some medicinal plants in Egypt. The 24th meeting of Saudi Biological Society titled (Biotechnology reality and applications). April 7-9, 2009.
14. Youssuf Gherbawy and Nemmat hussien (2009) Molecular characterization of Mucor circinelloides and Rhizopus stolonifer strains isolated from different fruits in Taif governorate. The 24th meeting of Saudi Biological Society titled (Biotechnology reality and applications). April 7-9, 2009.
15. Rukaia M. Gashgari, Yassmin M. Shebany, Youssuf A. Gherbawy (2010). Molecular Characterization of Mycobiota and Aflatoxins contamination of retail wheat flours from Jeddah markets. The 25th meeting of Saudi Biological Society titled (Nanotechnology in life sciences). King Faisal University, AlHassa, May 11-13, 2010.
16. Youssuf Gherbawy and Nemmat Hussien (2011). Molecular characterization of some fruit-inhabiting zygomycetes isolated from some Saudi fruits. A workshop on Zygomycetes biodiversity, Utrech, The Nethrland, March 3-5, 2011.
17. Rukaia M. Gashgari, Yassmin M. Shebany, Youssuf A. Gherbawy (2011). Molecular Characterization of ochratoxigenic fungi associated with raisins. The 26th meeting of Saudi Biological Society titled (Clamatic Changes). Taif University, Taif , May 10-12, 2011.
18. Youssuf A. Gherbawy Bahig El Deeb, Hesham Al Hariry (2012). Extracellular biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles by fungus Trichderma sp. isolated from soil and their antimicrobial effects. The International Conference on Materials Science and its Applications,13-15 Feb. 2012 in Taif, Saudi Arabia.
19. Youssuf A. Gherbawy , Hesham M. Elhariry and Abdul Aziz S. Bahobial (2012). Mycobiota and mycotoxins (ochratoxin and aflatoxins) associated with some Saudi date palm fruits. The 27th Meeting of Saudi Biological Society, Econnmics of Environment and Natural Resources , Jazan City at Jazan University 13-15 Rabia Althani, 1433 H (6-8 March, 2012).
20. Youssuf A. Gherbawy Bahig El Deeb, Hesham Al Hariry (2012). Extracellular biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles by Trichderma harzianum isolated from soil and their inhibitory effects on growth and Aflatoxins production by Aspergillus flavus. The Third International Conference on Nanotechnology and its Applications, 22-25 Feb. 2016 in Hurghada, Egypt.