Services offered by Human Resources administration:
1- Editing monthly salary payments form, as well as excess hours and correction forms
for faculty members and their assistants from inside the faculty and for assigned from
other universities, making regular records to record entitlement, and opening cards to
record variable wages.
2- Editing monthly salary payments form, bonuses and additional remuneration for the
faculty’s employees, making regular records to record entitlements, and opening cards
to record the variable wages.
3- leave monitoring for employees in accordance with the law at the beginning of each
year, making the various leaves whether urgent, vacation, sick or unpaid leave,
maternity leave and childcare leave for women, as well as monitoring the sick cycle of
all employees.
4- Editing monthly salary payment forms for temporary employment of the faculty and
making regular records of benefits monthly.
Administration Staff:
Yasser Younes Taher
Office Manager
Mustafa Mohamed Ali
Esraa Abu El Hagagg Abd El Qadir
Abdellah Mahmoud Hassan