Preparing the teacher in line with scientific, technical and professional progress and developing the spirit of loyalty to the homeland. Work on development, advancement and cooperation with various institutions that help prepare the teacher to work through public education and through mastering specialization and professional skills, and continuous development.

From this mission, the faculty does the following:

1- Well prepare students of secondary school and its equivalents, graduates of institutions, and university faculties for teaching profession by providing professional programs with high quality standards of in all disciplines from kindergarten to the end of secondary school.

2- Uplift professional and scientific level of all education workers and introduce them to modern educational trends, develop self-efficacy trend and work on strengthening the values of continuing education.

3- Prepare specialists in various educational fields.

4- Doing research and educational studies in various specializations in faculty and solving educational issues and real problems in reality that impede educational process and providing solutions to work on developing education and reforming it.

5- Contributing in developing educational thought and publishing modern educational trends and applying it to solve problems of environment and society in which they exist.

6- Providing research and advisory services that contribute in developing institutions of non-formal education.

7- Working on educating students integrated education, and developing creative thought to them.

8- Participating in preparing demonstrators and assistant lecturers in many specializations in university faculties and institutions of higher education and forming them educational formation continuously, helps them to perform their role effectively and efficiently.

9- Working on spreading the ethics of the teaching profession between faculty members, students, employees, and educators, according to ethical covenant adhered by everyone in the field of education and education in its various levels.

10- The faculty through Primary Education division, preparing a teacher to first levels of primary school and teacher specialized material for the last years of education.

11- The faculty participates in literacy and eliminates the phenomenon of dropping out of education through preparation of teacher.

12- Adopting the concept of Total Quality and its applicants in faculty, and interesting in self-rectification, and being ready to achieve total quality and continuous development.