The university president: -Veterinary Convoy to Dandara and Brahma – Continuation of Afforestation Camp and Blood Donation Campaigns

Prof. Dr. Sayed Taha , Vice President for Community Service confirmed that the program of the third day for the Environment Week  included the visit of  academic staff to Egyptalum , continuing the public service camp for afforesting and beautifying the central administration , the exhibition of the special units , the charity market in Luxor Qena and the Red Sea , the medical convoy to Dandara village and the first aid , as  Prof.  Dr. Jehan Rajab , Vice-Dean of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine  and supervisor of the veterinary convoys declared that Dandara convoy was  treated ( 37) cases of Poultry , (8) cases of  surgery ,(14)  cases of internal medicine  and (8) cases of births ,while a veterinary convoy in Brahma village tomorrow , confirming Prof. Dr. Abbas Mansour, the University President, and Prof. Dr. Sayed Taha , Vice President for Community Service gave  attention to the Veterinary convoys by  providing veterinary services to all people in Upper Egypt