The University President pursues avenues for cultural cooperation and scientific with the German Aambassador

Prof. Dr. Abbas Mansour, the university president met Mr. Georg Julius Eloi, the Ambassador of Germany to Egypt during his visiting at the university on Sunday, March 13, 2016, where he inspected Faculty of Arts, Electronic lab “Nanometer devices” , and met academic staff of the university.
He also emphasized on pursuing avenues the cooperation of Egyptian- German Universities in in field of research projects and grants,and Dr. Valinten Eash , delivered a lecture on “climate changes ” .
On the other hand the university president praised the German cooperation in many projects included Equivalent Opportunities for Females in Higher Education , DAAD , and cooperation in field of the universities hospitals, he also presented the university shield to the German Ambassador and Dr. Asherf Mansour, Chairman of Board of Trustees in German University.