The First Meeting of “Tawasul” Project Team


Dr. Ahmed Akkawy, President of South Valley University, chaired the first meeting of the “Tawasul” project team.

The meeting was attended by Dr. Mohamed Saeed, Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development, Dr. Mohamed Omran, Project Manager, and the project’s administrative team.

Also present were the content development team, including deans, quality assurance officials, the Strategic Planning Center, the international ranking team, the laboratories unit, faculty members, and the administrative content team composed of assistant secretaries and general directors of the university. The executive team from the Information Center and the media team from the Faculty of Media and the General Administration of Public Relations and Media were also in attendance.

During the meeting, Dr. Ahmed Akkawy emphasized that the “Tawasul” project aims to achieve effective communication and official media representation for the university. It focuses on raising awareness of the university’s strategic directions and academic agenda, providing legal and administrative education to university staff, and building an archival system for university media to facilitate news retrieval and research.