South Valley University participates in the quarterly meeting of the Coordination Committee for the project against the negative effects of harmful traditional practices, including female genital mutilation (FGM) and child marriage in Upper Egypt

Under the patronage of Dr. Ahmed Akkawi, the university president, and Dr. Mohamed Said, the vice president for Community Service and Environmental Development, the university’s Anti-Violence against Women Unit participated in the quarterly meeting of the Coordination Committee for the project against the negative effects of harmful traditional practices, including female genital mutilation (FGM) and child marriage in Upper Egypt. The meeting was organized by Plan International Egypt at the Egypt Public Library.

Dr. Hala Khair Sennary, Professor of Mental Health and Director of the Anti-Violence against Women Unit, mentioned that the meeting aimed to present key activities implemented in coordination with various governmental sectors. It also highlighted different challenges and clarified upcoming initiatives and coordinated activities planned for the future period. The meeting saw participation from numerous governmental and local leaders in the governorate.