Scientific Symposium on the Faculty of Agriculture Discusses the Role of Scientific Research to Counter Climate Changes on Agricultural Production

Under the auspices of Dr. Youssef Gharbawy, President of the University, and Dr. Ahmad Akawi, Vice-President of Graduate and Research Affairs, the Faculty of Agriculture at South Valley University organized a scientific symposium on the role of scientific research to Counter climate change conditions in agricultural production between reality and hope within the framework of the activities of the Post-Graduate and Research Sector at the Faculty of Agriculture. The Faculty hosted Dr. Khaled Mohamed Rifay, Head of the Meteorological Department, Climate Laboratory at the Agricultural Research Center, and Dr. Iman Fouad, teacher of atmospheric physics and supervisor of the Meteorological Research Center at the university

Prof. Dr. Youssef Garbawy, President of the University, opened this Symposium and stressed the importance of holding Scientific Conferences and Seminars to discuss and showcase innovative solutions to cope with climate change and the vital role of the Faculty of Agriculture in raising awareness of researchers in applying scientific research to Counter climate change, He urged the Faculty to expand the establishment of new and diverse programs and praised the role of the graduate sector in the Faculty of Agriculture in its keenness to hold workshops, conferences, and scientific seminars in the light of the directives of the political leadership to sensitize researchers to the State strategic plan in scientific research

Dr. Ahmed Abou Baker Abdel Warth pointed out that this scientific Symposium comes under the guidance of the political leadership on the need to confront climate change and Egypt’s hosting of the climate summit in Sharm el-Sheikh with broad international participation last November. It is the most important event aimed at recognizing the responsibilities of the major powers countries for climate change and helping developing countries cope with the adverse effects of these changes

Dr. Khaled Rifay, Head of Meteorology, presented a scientific lecture on the current state of the effects of climate change on Egypt and cleared the world’s vision and Egypt, in particular, to cope with climate change. Dr. Iman Fouad, an Astrophysical teacher at the Faculty of Science, presented some previous studies and research suggestions to cope with climate change conditions
The Symposium was attended by total Vice-Deans, heads of departments, faculty members, and many graduate students

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