Recommendations of the First Annual Conference of the Gastroenterology Department at the University Hospital

Under the auspices of South Valley University President Prof. Dr. Abbas Mansour and the presence of Prof. Dr. Ahmed Abu al Yosr, Dean of Medicine Faculty in Qena, Prof. Dr. Hamdi Hussein, Management Chairman of the Endoscopies Unit at University Hospital in Qena, Prof.Dr. Ali Munis Professor of Gastroenterology, Dr. Gamal Esmat member of the Egyptian Committee for hepatic viruses beside a group of professors and doctors of Gastroenterology, the first annual scientific conference of the Department of Tropical Medicine and gastroenterology at the university Hospital of Qena concluded its activities, which was held in Hurghada in the period from August 10 to 13.
Chairman of gastroenterology department at the University Hospital and conference chairman, Dr. Ali Abdul Rahman Goel added that the conference recommended with deploying the healthy nutrition education’s culture and exercise well with using an effective medicines to eliminate the hepatic Fats due to the steady increase to problem of the hepatic Fats and expanding in use of medicines anti-virus (HCV), which proved effective and get cured by the ratio to more than 95%.