President of South Valley University Receives The Evaluation Committee of Faculty of Foreign Languages

Prof. Dr. Youssef Grabawy, president of the university received the committee composed of the supreme council of universities to assess faculty of foreign languages, Hurghada branch.

The committee included Dr. Gamal Abdel Samee , member of the arts sector committee, Dr. Ahmed Salah, managing director of military technical college in addition to an administrative supervision member.

The committee checked the dedicated building for the faculty and visited the labs and departments at the faculty, the committee praised the potential and readiness of the building to receive students in the coming year.

Dr. Grabawy announced that the purpose of the visit of the supreme council of universities committee is to prepare a report on the extent of the  material and human resources of the building and then present this report to the council to give the approval for the start of classes at the faculty.