Identify Market Opportunities

Under the direction of Prof. Dr. Abbas Mansour – President of the University of South Valley marketing and transfer of technology and innovation at the University of South Valley Office participated in the workshop entitled “identify opportunities in the market,” organized by the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT) in collaboration with the project promote entrepreneurship and the development of project (SEED), funded by the United States Agency for international development (USAID) in the period from 3 to January 5, 2017 in Sohag and workshop targeted how to identify opportunities in the market and adapt technology with opportunities and ways projects are ranked according to the actual needs of technology and choice of marketing opportunities better as well as the order of quality projects weights according to the size of investments available and deal effectively with effective training entrepreneurship and understand the different types of stakeholders involved in the marketing process as well as the role and responsibility of the project manager on how to build an effective team interest of the private sector.
Ran the activities of the workshop, Mr. Mohamed Hussain Sultan, Senior Advisor, Development Entrepreneurship Program project to strengthen entrepreneurship and enterprise development (SEED) and Mr. Tamer Ibrahim, a member of Action Altaiko main office team Academy of Scientific Research and the training of Mr. Mahmoud Nassar, an expert Business Administration and Dr. Ahmed sad professor Assistant Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University.
The workshop was attended and participated in the effectiveness of the University of the South Valley by Mr. Dr. Faraj Khaddara – Undersecretary of the College of Engineering and director of the marketing office and technology transfer at the University of the South Valley and Dr. Khalid bin Walid Abdel-Fattah – assistant professor at the Faculty of Science, Unit Manager administration to projects.