Endoscopic Surgery for Skull Base Tumor

south valley

   The Medical team at neurosurgery and spine department in the university hospital under the supervision of Dr. Sherif El Khashen ,  consultant of Endoscopy surgery in Tanta University ,  Dr. Ali Rabea ,  head of the department, Dr. Moamen Mamoon  ,  Dr. Amr Tayel  and Dr. Islam El-Khatib  ,besides anesthesia team Dr. Salah Asida and Dr. Mohamed Abu Krishah succeeded in endoscopic surgery for skull base tumor for first time at the university hospital in Upper Egypt. Prof. Dr. Ali Rabea   added that the neurosurgery and spine department also ssucceeded in endoscopic surgery for child was suffering from dropsy, as he thanked Prof. Dr. Abbas Mansour , the university president to his attention to open the intensive care room at the hospital