The Employment Administration

The administration task
The employment administration employs workers via advertising in official newspapers about the need to some jobs. After the advertisement, applicants’ credentials are examined by a committee formed by the rector. After the credentials are examined, the results are signed by officials, and appointments are done with completing the requirements of the candidates, that are:
Education qualification – Birth certificate – military status – criminal record – financial disclosure statement – certificate from labor office – medical examination – security consultation for holders of BA degrees.

  • After completing the paperwork, recruitment is submitted to the personnel.
  • The administration also employs demonstrators from students of highest grades; and promotes staff member to senior posts.
  • The administration is responsible for processes of migration from and to the university after the consent of the personnel committees of the institution migrated from and the institution migrated to.
  • The administration is responsible for processes of reassignments from and to the university after the consents of the rector and the institution reassigned to.
  • The administration issues decisions of terminating employments in the following cases: (death – reaching the pension age – resignation – anticipatory pension).