A Medical Campaign in Hala’ib, Shalatin and Abu Ramada

Headed by prof. Dr. Youssef Ghrabawy, President of South Valley University, prof. Dr. Abas Mansour, the former president, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Akkawy, Vice President for postgraduate and researches affairs, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Kamal Nassary, Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, Dr. Ali Goel, Dean of Faculty of Medicine and vice deans of Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of physical Education, a medical campaign was organized to Hala’ib, Shalatin and Abu Ramada in coordination with the Read Sea Government.
Dr. Ghrabawy declared that the campaign came under the continuing role of the university in implementing the medical campaign project which comes under the guidance of the political leadership for universities to achieve a sustainable development, also as a part of contribution in building the Egyptian citizen through health-care.

Prof. Dr. Ahmed Kamal Nassary pointed that the campaign witnessed the participation of Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of physical Education, Faculty of Dentistry and Department of Geology.